I'm Joy! I'm a wife, former teacher (turned health coach), & Certified Nutrition Specialist...but most importantly: I LOVE FOOD! My goal for you: discover simple,
healthy, yum, here with me!! Happy eating!
1 1/2 cups kale
1 tablespoon olive oil
garlic powder (to taste)
onion powder (to taste)
salt (to taste)
splash of lemon juice
1 tablespoon silvered almonds⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Heat skillet on medium-high heat. Add olive oil, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and lemon juice.
Cook kale down for about 3 min. (I like it still green and wilted but not roasted/charred)
Add almonds and toast for 1 to 2 minutes!
I’m really loving this kale as a warm salad base for any protein bowl! This pairs well with butternut squash as well!!!
Mmmm...now go make some!